Sunday, June 03, 2007

Moving soon.

Actually, I pretty much have the other site all set up I just haven't made the move official.

For reasons that I explain on the new blog I've decided to move my ramblings over to a new blog called 42. As soon as I figure out how to do an automatic redirect on this page I will try to set it up so that any of you who are reading presently won't get lost in the move. I will also be shutting down the googlepages site and will try to set up a redirect there too.

In the meantime I won't be putting up any new posts here at this address and comments are going to be turned off.

Come see me and MJ at 42. :)


Anonymous said...


Nikki Neurotic said...

Hm, I tried to update the link to your new blog on my blogroll...guess I have to do it again.