Tuesday, April 17, 2007

5 months old today

So here is a list of 5 month milestones that I got from my friend Stacie at the Twinkies blog. I've marked off if Miss Morgan has achieved them. The ones for which I said "sort of" means that she is working on it and only does so intermittently.

At 5 months old:

90% of babies can…
hold head stead when upright --- yes
on stomach, raise chest, supported by arms --- yes
pay attention to an object as small as a raisin --- yes
squeal in delight --- yes
reach for an object --- yes
smile spontaneously --- yes
smile back when you smile --- yes
grasp a rattle held to fingers --- yes
keep head level with body when pulled to sitting --- yes

75% of babies can…
roll over (one way) --- yes (back to front)
bear some weight on legs --- yes
say “ah-goo” or similar vowel-consonant combinations --- yes
blow raspberries --- yes
turn in the direction of a voice --- yes

50% of babies can…
sit without support --- yes

25% of babies can…
pull up to a standing position from sitting --- no
stand holding on to someone or something --- sort of
object if you try to take a toy away --- sort of
work to get a toy out of reach --- yes
pass an object from one hand to the other --- yes
look for dropped object --- sort of
rake with fingers a tiny object and pick it up in fist --- no
babble, combining vowels and consonants such as
ga-ga-ga,ba-ba-ba,ma-ma-ma,da-da-da --- no


Stacie said...

She's SITTING already? Damn. I have slow kids. :)

Paige said...

yeah, she sits up. Sometimes falls over backwards when she gets really excited, but for the most part she's pretty good. I put up a few pics of her sitting up an.d eating one of her toys a few days ago. What she can't do is get off her tummy once she tolls onto it. *shrug*

Heather said...

"rake with fingers a tiny object and pick it up in fist"? I'm not even completely sure what that is. LOL